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Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913

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  • Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913
A photograph of Walt Whitman to the left, with his name written in white handwriting in the middle of the photo.

Collected papers of the Bolton Whitman Fellowship

Warry has just come in & made the bed - a sudden quite heavy shower - loving salutations to you, to Wallace & to all the friends
Walt Whitman, Sep 1890, Transcripts and facsimiles of Correspondence with Wallace and Johnston (i); img 8

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The beat poet, Walt Whitman, exchanged these letters with his fans in Bolton

Walt Whitman (1819-1892) was an American beat poet and essayist. This collection contains letters, photographs and other material produced by the Bolton Whitman Fellowship during the period 1891-1913. Whitman maintained an active correspondence with the group and his inner-circle continued this tradition long after the poet’s death. The correspondence is an essential resource for the reader-oriented study of English-language poetry in the 19th century.


Walt Whitman and his Fellowship of Supporters in Bolton, 1891-1913...

Collected papers of the Bolton Whitman Fellowship

Volumes & Documents 


Licensed to access American Walt Whitman Fellowship published papers

ZWN 1. These items contain the initial Constitution for 'Walt Whitman Fellowship International' and later amendments to it. There are...

Licensed to access The Bolton Whitman Fellowship

ZWN/2. This grouping contains reports of events related to the Eagle Street College and one of its members, Dr. R....

Licensed to access Papers relating to the Bolton Whitman Fellowship revival and recent deposits

ZWN/3. This selection of documents includes photocopies of the Whitman group's correpondence and photographs, from the latter nineteenth century to...

Licensed to access The Walt Whitman correspondence

ZWN/4. This collection of correspondence covers the later years of Whitman's life and therefore includes details of his failing health...

Licensed to access The Traubel correspondence

ZWN/5. Horace Traubel's extensive correspondence focusses primarily on Walt Whitman's life and legacy, Politics, and the Whitman Circle's family and...

Licensed to access J.W. Wallace correspondence and associated items

ZWN/6. The items in this range consist of letters, manuscripts, books and newspapers. The majority of content is correspondence between...

Licensed to access Ormrod Correspondence and Associated Items

ZWN/7. The correspondence focusses on three main characters with which Ormrod was concerned: John Burroughs, Clara Barrus, and J. W....

Licensed to access Nightingale Correspondence and Associated Items

ZWN/8. Correspondence in this collection covers the last days of three members of the Nightingale family, alongside their choice of...

Licensed to access Other correspondence

ZWN/9. This grouping contains a variety of items from numerous people who had connections to Walt Whitman or one of...

Licensed to access Bolton Library correspondence

ZWN/10. These items cover the foundation of the 'Walt Whitman Birthplace Bulletin' and include memorobilia related to the opening of...

Licensed to access Photographs

ZWN/11. This Collection contains assorted photographs of the Bolton Whitman Fellowship, especially R M Bucke, J Johnston, Horace Traubel, J...

Licensed to access Relics & mementos

ZWN/12. These assorted items include images of the 'Loving Cup' presented by J H Johnston of New York, oil paintings...


  • The Walt Whitman correspondence is more social than poetic. These conversational letters reveal Walt Whitman's personality as he discusses his failing health and the tomb he is having built.
  • These items also include photographs and the published papers of the fellowship. They also include the letters of leading members of the group.
  • The fellowship also conducted their own research on the life and works of Walt Whitman. This research can be found in the J. W. Wallace's correspondence and the Traubel Correspondence.

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Licensed to access American Records in the House of Lords Archive, 1621-1917

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